Wednesday, November 20, 2019

His Presence: The End of Abandonment


So much has been moving through me since I have made the conscious decision to step forward on the path of sacred sexuality.  I have been practicing the Temple Body Meditation regularly and I have experienced a growing deep love affair with myself and my body. A few days ago I combined the love letter with the temple practice while I touched, caressed, and with my eyes open seeing my body, seeing my radiant form, I spoke sweetly to all parts of my physical being ... "I am sorry that I have judged your hair, I am sorry that I have not trusted you yoni, I love your life giving breasts, I love your skin, '' and on and on ...

As I have been creating the space to consciously love my self and my physical form, so many emotions have arrises. In tandem with the Temple Body Practice, I can sense my deepening embodiment of my own inner masculine.  It is like, as I grow in presence and reverence for myself, and as my inner masculine shines his love into my body, I am growing in my sense of worthiness to feel. I have been allowing myself the space and capacity to experience so much aliveness and joy along with lots of deep deep sorrow and pain.

For a back story, it may be helpful to know that my birth father left when I was born. We have been in the process of reuniting over the past 3 years and many layers of challenge has been alive in my life and in my marriage. Mainly, and most vulnerably, I will state, that I have felt unworthy of HIS love, for many reasons that seem valid and real.

From this practice of self love, I can feel myself beginning to crack wide open as I surrender to the path of awakening. My practice of self love is seeding a unique experience of my own inner masculine growing and the end of abandoning my self. I am growing in my commitment to feeling the pain and the joy rather than leaving and not staying with myself.


Embodied Truth Feminine Awakening Practice # 1
Cultivating Embodied Radical Self Love Practice: 
own your inner masculine by showering your feminine embodiment with your presence and love

1. create sacred space 
2. bring awareness and attention to the mind 
3. drop down deeper into the heart
4. drop down deeper into the belly 
5. drop down deeper into your womb
6. drop down deeper into the earth's support
7. drop down deeper into the core of the earth 
8. feel the pulsating earth vibration under your seat
9. bring your awareness back up through the earth into your womb, up to the belly, up to the heart, through the mind, up out the crown of the head, extending to the stars above 

10. Take a moment to feel your masculine presence as an expression of divine love. Feel this embrace of yourself being with the vertical direction of the divine masculine presence. 

11. Take a few moments in stillness and allow your whole being to become empty. 

12. Open your eyes and begin to look at your radiant beautiful body.  

13. Bring your hands to rest on your heart chakra and infuse your palms with as much love and presence as possible. 

14. Begin to touch and caress your skin. As you reach different body parts, allow your words to flow from your heart through your mouth. 

15. Be honest and vulnerable with yourself as you express your love for your physical form. Share statements that feel like your embodied truth. "I love you nails, I am sorry I have judged you thighs" etc. Imagine you are reading a love poem to your body as you touch and love yourself as fully as possible. 

16. When you are complete, find your own sacred way to complete. Some ideas could include journaling, smudging yourself with sage, taking a few moments of silence, or bowing to yourself. 


Now, as I consciously create the space to honor and love my self I find myself on my knees at the temple of the beloved within.

Ultimately, facing with brutal honesty, the parts of me that I have been avoiding and resisting for years, is allowing for a deep surrender to happen in my heart and life. With my growing embodiment of my inner union I will no longer abandon myself. I will meet all parts of my process with love and presence.

My invitation is for you to love yourself with as much radical self acceptance as possible and to see where this brings you in your life and relationship. My hope and intention is that you can melt into a deeper trust of your Embodied Truth and right alignment in all ways.

Please share your experience and journey with me by sending me a message and joining the Women Tribe and Community at Embodied Truth:

Live Your Embodied Truth on Facebook

With love,

Video: Adi Da Samraj: 'I'll Never Leave You" a perfect representation of the divine masculine presence and love holding his devotees with his never ending compassion

Sunday, September 1, 2019



Join Principle-Based Partner Yoga founder Elysabeth Williamson
and Yoga teacher Lara Barber for this in-depth virtual training – a training
that dissolves separation between practice and life.
Partner Yoga practice reveals that it is through our relationships – both with
ourselves and each other, that we discover the joy and depth of our humanity.
Two for the price of one! Invite your partner or a friend to join you in this amazing
journey of self-discovery, expansion and love.
This practice is for every body, regardless of size, shape or experience.
Space limited, register early!
  • Greater vitality and increased physical and emotional well-being
  • Deepened compassion, trust and connection to yourself, your partner and to all beings
  • A deeper understanding of the healing power of Yoga in both individual and partner practice
  • How to adapt Partner Yoga postures to accommodate various body types, flexibility levels, and experience
  • Relational skills cultivated through partner meditations and active listening
  • A heightened capacity to remain open, loving and connected through touch and conscious communication
  • A deepened sense of your essence, who you are beyond form
  • Tools to design and facilitate your own Partner Yoga workshops/sessions
  • Two 3hr live instruction webinars per month / Six total / Recorded
  • Two additional webinars for Introduction and Integration
  • One private virtual or in-person mentoring session with Elysabeth
  • Private FB community forum for questions, ideas and inspirations
  • In-depth weekly inquiry for bringing Partner Yoga principles alive in your life
  • Designing a home practice that includes breath work, meditation and flow
  • ‘The Pleasures and Principles of Partner Yoga’ 258 pages including over 60 practices in full color. PDF format
  • Expanded Level I Training Manual / 80 pages with exclusive materials designed for this virtual training / PDF format
  • Partner Yoga Instructional Videos: Nine Principle-Based Partner Yoga sessions includes both foundational and expanded practices
$1990 includes two participants through Sept 15 / $2200 after
Oct 1 through Dec 31

Register now to immediately receive materials and begin your practice!
Questions? Email us at

Follow this link to apply:

Monday, August 12, 2019

Embodied Truth: Women's Group

What would your life look, feel, and be like if you understood and honored your body and it’s feminine rhythms more fully?
  • Women, are you disconnected from your voice, your power, or your sexuality?
  • Do you feel emotional and overwhelmed when your menstrual flow arrives each month?
  • Are you feeling connected to your moon time cycle knowing when you will ovulate or bleed?
  • Do you feel disempowered around your body and/or the topic of your sex?
  • Do you feel disconnected from your body and exhausted throughout the month?
  • Are you interested in discovering how your body and energy is affected by each phase of your cycle so that you can harness your creative power and potential?
Embodied Truth: Women’s Group to Reclaim your Feminine Power
~Unlock the hidden wisdom of your womb
~Ignite the keys to your full creative power
~Balance your body’s need through deep listening and honor
~Educate yourself about how your cycle affects your being
~Create safe sacred space to connect with your womb and experience healing
~Learn to craft your life in accordance with your cycle to cultivate health and radiance.

Join Lara Barber for a 2-month journey in reclaiming your embodied truth through owning your moon cycle, learning about each phase of your monthly cycle, listening to your unique body, and honoring the gift of each phase. No longer a nuisance or a burden, our cycle can become a gift towards more wholeness, embodiment, and true alignment.
Living in your embodied truth requires listening & bringing awareness to the wisdom of your body while also honoring where you are at with loving care.


1. Kick-off call: SATURDAY OCTOBER 10TH 2-4 PM VIA ZOOM
*waning half-moon in Cancer
setting the context, introduce 4 phases of the cycle, agreements, schedule outline welcome and setting intentions

2. Live Session 1: FRIDAY OCTOBER 16TH 6-9 P.M.

3. Live Session 2: FRIDAY OCTOBER 30TH 6-9 P.M.

4. Live Session 3: FRIDAY NOVEMBER 13TH 6-9 P.M.

5. Live Session 4: FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27TH 6-9 P.M.

6. Follow up call: SATURDAY DECEMBER 5TH 2-4 P.M VIA ZOOM
*waning half-moon in Virgo
follow up questions, moving forward, ongoing support, next steps

Investment ~
$497 includes kick-off call, integration call, 4 in-person gatherings bi-weekly, 2-month women's group, weekly check-ins with sister support, one-on-one session with Lara, valuable resources to revolutionize your relationship to your body and health, access to Embodied Truth sisterhood, & Embodied Truth: Feminine Embodiment Training Manual

For questions please contact Lara at
Ready to reclaim your feminine power and wisdom? Apply to join!
Follow this event on Facebook Here!

Friday, August 9, 2019

Integrated Healing: Meeting Trauma with Presence & Love

Integrated Healing: Meeting Trauma with Presence & Love
A Half Moon Women’s Circle

August 25th, 1-4pm
Kondition, Boulder CO

with Tunde Borrego, Kali Basman, & Lara Barber

“On the sacred path of Radical Acceptance, rather than striving for perfection, we discover how to love ourselves into wholeness.” -Tara Brach

Join us for an afternoon of healing highlighting practices and processes to navigate our own trauma, grief, & shame. As we heal from interpersonal wounds and explore our shadows, we cultivate the spaciousness necessary for compassion and evolution.

Workshop will Include:

~Psychology and neurophysiology of trauma and the nervous system
~ Dynamic transformational Vinyasa flow
~ Yin & Restorative Yoga
~ Partner Yoga, Authentic Relating & Coregulational Diads
~ Mindfulness Methods: Maitri/Metta
~ Deep work, & lightheartedness
~ Community Connection and Awakening
~ Conscious Sisterhood healing

Price: $55
Register here!
Check out the Facebook Event here!

The Facilitators

Kali Basman: International Yin & Restorative Yoga teacher of teachers, Kali Basman, offers an intermingling of wisdom disciplines: Foundations of Buddhist mindfulness, the pranic pathways of Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, physiology of the nervous system, and individual-informed anatomy. Leading yin and mindfulness focused trainings and retreats across the globe, Kali pays reverence to her lineage of teachers, Sarah Powers, Jack Kornfield, and more.

Tunde Borrego: Full time boulder yoga instructor, Tünde has been teaching with a radiant heart for 14+ years. Her wisdom teachings, dynamic Asana sequencing, and compassion has extended through international retreats and workshops, in county jails and prisons throughout the country, and in teacher trainings. Tundes own journey of health and healing pulls from the modalities of yoga, meditation, therapy, service, and 12 step programs (AA, NA, SLAA) as she brings embodied experience to the recover of trauma, addiction, and eating disorder.

Lara Barber: Lara is a passionate yogini who believes in the power of mindful awareness, authentic expression, ritual arts, & embodiment practices as tools to illuminate transformation and restore balance. Lara has discovered that, for her, yoga enlivens a power of heightened awareness in all areas of her life. Being a lifelong student, she loves teaching classes that blend her studies of Massage Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Partner Yoga, Feminine Embodiment Practices, Body Centered Psychotherapy, Authentic Relating, & Tantric Yoga.

Meeting with Equanimity ~ Partner Yoga & Authentic Relating

  • Meeting with Equanimity
    Partner Yoga & Authentic Relating Workshop
    Saturday September 7th 2-5 p.m.

    What would relationships and life look like if we embodied a deeper sense of equality and equanimity, within ourselves and with one another?
    How impactful would it be to low down, pause, and connect with yourself?
    How would this affect how you move and be in connection with the world?
    How would our world benefit from the practice of becoming full of self before we made contact and relationships with another?
    What does 'meeting with equality' mean to you?

    By cultivating a deep place of center and equanimity with ourselves first, we can enter the dance of connection to others with more presence and compassion. Relationship with the other can be an invitation of self and other discover, awakening and rich reward.

    Join us for a 3 hour afternoon exploring the art of embodied relating combining tools and practices of Principle Based Partner Yoga™ and Authentic Relating.

    - Principle Based Partner Yoga™ is a visionary practice combining simple and profound touch and partnered yoga practices to foster a deeper understanding of universal principles, such as trust, balance, intimacy, connection, & community.
    - Authentic Relating is a relational practice combining intentional relationship skills, deep listening, presence, & being with another to welcome connection.

    Join with or with out a partner.
    No yoga experience required though suggested.

    $30 each
    $50 if you sign up with a friend


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Lara Barber: Massage Therapist, Yoga Instructor, & Coach

Lara is a passionate yogini who believes in the power of presence and love to illuminate, transform, and restore balance.

Being a Colorado native, Lara was always drawn to an active and athletic lifestyle. Lara was introduced to yoga in a high school dance class and she knew instantly that it was an intricate piece of her life's path and embodiment. She was intrigued and mystified by the complexity of the human body and the study of it's movement. As a massage therapist Lara began deepening into her  journey of inhabiting her understanding of the body and living in balance. In 2005, Lara studied at the Boulder College of Massage Therapy where she currently works in Boulder as a massage therapist. Lara's massage sessions blend Zen Shiatsu, Swedish, Neuromuscular, Integrative, Thai Yoga, Polarity, Sports, Hot Stone, and Chair Massage. 

As a powerful self care adjunct to her massage practice, her dedication to yoga grew more and more. Compelled to immerse herself in its study, she completed her first Yoga Teacher Training in 2008 and began masterfully weaving her experience as a body-worker and a yoga practitioner. Lara's classes convey the depth that she has discovered within yoga that goes far beyond the physical asana practice. Lara creates a beautiful rhythm of meditation and healing by aligning intention, the breath, and focusing the mind with the movement of the physical body. "Because the practice has affected me so profoundly it is a joy and honor to share its benefits through teaching." Lara has expanded her knowledge beyond Vinyasa and Hot Yoga to teach Yin Yoga, she is currently studying Yoga Therapy.

The moment she heard about Elysabeth’s first Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ Teacher Training in 2009 she was magnetized knowing that this was her next step on her yogic path. By combining the power of touch with yoga Lara discovered a deep resonance with a powerfully healing practice. Lara believes that partner yoga creates a sacred space and container for the deeper philosophy of yoga to emerge. Yoga translates to mean "union" and it is here in the space between the other that Lara finds the true essence of yoga: that we are all one. Lara knows that by having the support of another human during our yoga practice, and in the dance of life, can cultivate expanded awareness and energy. From her experience, what she discovers through her partner yoga practices can translate off the mat into the world for a rich and rewarding embodied understanding of human relationship. Lara loves teaching 
Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ through group workshops and is available for individual and couple private sessions. 

As a life long student and deepening into her path of embodiment and relating, more recently Lara's studies have taken her into the realms of Body-Centered Psychotherapy, Feminine Embodiment Arts, and Authentic Relating. Integrating the mind, heart, and body on her personal healing journey has been a profound gift that she brings with her into her coaching work. 

As a massage therapist, yoga instructor, and embodiment & relationship coach she offers her energy as a gift to each of her students and clients to inspire greater awareness, discovery, and wellbeing.  Each breath, each class, each bow, each session, each touch, and each movement, represents a prayer of devotion and love in service to radiant well being. 

"When we begin to embody our selves authentically on all levels, we have the innate power to heal ourselves naturally."  - Lara Barber 

Stay in touch with Lara's Touch by joining the mailing list and stay updated on inspiring events workshops, discounts, and to receive health and wellness tips to inspire your well being.  

Join my mailing list to receive $50 Coupon for your first session!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Inhabit Your Being ~ A 5 Week Exploration of the Yogic Koshas

To me, the 5 yogic koshas are a map for living a more fully embodied life ~ inviting me to honor all of the layers of my body and being and invite me to ask myself, how am I tending to the wholeness of being human? Join me this summer at Full Circle Yoga for a 5 week class series diving into yogic philosophy. During this one hour class we will have a short lecture, meditation, contemplation, and a beginner level yoga class to anchor the teachings into your body.

Join for all or drop in for as many as you are able. Please reach out if you have any questions! Looking forward to seeing you on your mat this summer!

Visit the Facebook Event Here

According to Yoga Therapy, the yogic koshas are a map of inclusion, a non-dual model of spiritual understanding and awareness that remind us of our whole integrated nature. Ultimately leading us towards the remembrance of the true Self, and discovering ourselves as spiritual beings, the koshic layers tend a holistic approach towards mindfulness and wellbeing and teach us to tend our body~energy~mind~soul~spirit along the journey towards spiritual awakening. Some styles and forms of yoga stress one layer (or Kosha) over another, some placing strong emphasis on the body and yoga postures and others ask us to denounce our body and focus only on finding states of bliss. To me, a more well rounded approach is necessary for the goal of yoga (union) an be reached. As the Yoga Sutras state, "yoga is the cessation o the fluctuations of the mind" and , in my opinion, the map of the koshas highlights the key for activating balance in our lives and in our practice by looking at the whole of our being to create true health.
Each layer of our being requires presence, love, and intentionality if we are to truly thrive as spiritual beings. I can see that when I am tending one layer of my being it truly affects all of the other layers of my being. Just as we are an individual in a world of other humans and communities, so is our many parts. If we an work to tend the many parts and layers of our wholeness with love and presence we are bound to become more balanced individuals and beings waking to our full potential.
* understand a map of whole mind-body health
* create more awareness around how your body, mind, and spirit affect and support one another
* become present to how integration at the layers of the koshas determine our health and well-being
* remember your divine connection to source
* expand your understanding of body awareness and embodiment
* explore the yogic journey pointing us to the true self, welcoming us home

Monday, May 13, 2019

Principle-Based Partner Yoga - Immersion in Colorado June 20th - 23rd

Facilitated by Elysabeth Williamson, founder of PBPY and assisted by Lara Barber, teacher/ practitioner of Partner Yoga for over 10 years.

25hrs CE credits through Yoga Alliance

Investment: $395 through May 20 / $495 after
Returning participants: $295

The Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ Level I Training / Immersion is an opportunity to explore and develop skills that elevate our human potential, including our innate capacity for trust, compassion and creativity.

This visionary art expands the traditional practice of Yoga into the realm of relationship and authentic relating with others. The program is not just for teachers but designed for everyone with a sincere interest in Partner Yoga.

As global culture becomes more technology driven, the need for embodied, heart-centered relating becomes more imperative.

This first of its kind training includes an in-depth curriculum and a comprehensive Training Manual. The tools and techniques presented are invaluable skills for anyone (1 year Yoga experience required) seeking to live a more embodied and connected life.

Graduates leave the training with greater physical, emotional and spiritual understanding of the power of partner practices to deepen their individual practice.

Participants also receive inspiration to access their innate heart wisdom that imbues all relationships with greater authenticity.

For those wishing to facilitate the practice with others, all the necessary tools and guidelines are included in the Training Manual.

For further info or to register visit: