"All the pirouettes in the world, all the spectacular feats cannot impress me as much as a simple movement that originates from a deep feeling of aliveness and understanding of the human body. " - Frances Becker
Woman, you were born into this realm with your body. You were born here, different than a man, with a womb space to birth life and creation. What would your life look, feel, and be like, if you truly connected with your womb, created a loving relationship to your body, and listened to it's innate wisdom?
Embodied Truth is my gift to woman everywhere, inviting us to remember the path of sacred embodiment. For years, I personally over developed my mind and neglected my body's wisdom. In order to fit into the societal norms, recover from trauma, & feel safe in intimacy, I abandoned my body and suffered for years from self sabotage and being unsatisfied. What is your version of leaving yourself?
We all have stories that we tell ourselves as woman, about not feeling good enough or feeling like too much. For me, it has been a deep idea that I do not belong or fit in. Perhaps for you, you find yourself judging and comparing to others, or hating your body by hurting yourself with addictive behaviors. Maybe it is the way that you stay too long in a relationship that isn't really nourishing you. Maybe you have neglected your deepest desires to be met fully in a loving harmonious relationship.
Whatever your story, I am here to remind you, that it is here, among the wound, that we have access to our humanity. It is here, that the true healing work can begin. When we face and meet the hard parts of our experience, life can flow with more joy and ease. If we avoid the hard parts of our experience and only go towards what is easy, things will ultimately get harder for us. When we make a conscious commitment to meeting all of life and all of our embodiment we can discover that we will live in right alignment with our soul's purpose and evolution.
So what is the path way in?
Through discovering and honoring your embodied truth.
By connecting with your unique body, listening to her rhythms, and cultivating a sacred intimacy with yourself and your womb space.
Woman, your Embodied Truth is living inside of you.
Honoring your body and womb and seeing its wonder, allows you to truly inhabit and own our life through connecting with your instrument and vessel as sacred.
As a path of remembering, Embodied Truth invites your whole being, all of it's parts, and those parts yet to be discovered, with presence and love. It is important as woman living in today's world to meet ourselves with as much presence and love that we would desire from our closest lover. It reminds us, that we alone, are our life partner, and teaches us to greet, meet, and welcome the light & dark, of our experience to embrace and express more of our authentic selves. While cultivating a deep reverence and respect for our flowing rhythmical feminine, we are also guided towards cultivating our deep inner masculine to hold our selves and our processes as sacred and true.
Embodied Truth cultivates a women's presence, love, wisdom, & power.
From what I am discovering on my feminine embodiment path is that ...
- The empowered woman knows herself inside and out.
- The empowered woman slows down to pay attention.
- The empowered woman listens deeply to her hearts longing.
- The empowered woman knows what she needs, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
- The empowered woman creates in alignment from her knowing and follows her natural impulses and rhythms.
- The empowered woman has unlimited potential to craft her ideal life from.
SO what is your Embodied Truth?
Woman, invite you on a journey inward to discovering your embodied truth.
Different than a cognitive understanding, I invite you inward and down, from your mind, down into your heart, belly, and womb space. Here, and together as sisters, we will reclaim our feminine cycle to honor ourselves and balance the feminine wisdom that our modern culture is so ready to receive. Here, we will birth a new paradigm, where our cycle will no longer be a burden, but a masterful teacher guiding us to our life fulfillment. Here, our feminine magic will be a gateway to more integration and embodiment of our authentic true self.
Here are some questions to consider on your journey inward?
What is your body speaking to you?
Do you take the time to listen to your body?
What is your authentic expression?
Are you allowing your authentic self be seen and heard?
What is your life purpose + mission?
Why are you living?
Do you connect with a higher purpose for being here?
What and who are you aligned with?
What do you dedicate your life towards and for?
What gifts are you ready to offer the world?
What lights you up about living?
What makes you honest?
What wisdom is ready to be heard through you?
How do you envision yourself as a leader?
How do you know yourself to be empowered?
What feminine wisdom is ready to be activated inside of you?
How else can you express your fullness?
What message or lesson wants to be lived through your embodiment this lifetime?
Embodied Truth - (Feminine Embodiment Training) is dedicated to empowering the balanced woman standing in her true authentic power and radiant joy. Through feminine embodiment practices, self-awareness, self compassion, growing support in sisterhood, and reclaiming and discovering our creative potential, the next generation of woman leaders will remember the wisdom of their sacred womb and intrinsic connection to nature and her cyclical rhythm.
Some benefits of discovering your Embodied Truth include:
~ Harness and reclaim your feminine power.
~ Remember and access great depth of creativity.
~ Go against the grain to carve your unique path.
~ Live in harmony with your body and nature.
~ Be more potent and balanced as a woman and leader
~ Remember and discover the power of self love.
~ Honor & cultivate deep presence and devotion to yourself.
~ Learn about the wisdom living inside of your body.
Illuminate ~ Through presence and devotion, discover your own unique body rhythms
Transform ~~ Harness and reclaim the power, beauty, & wisdom of your sacred embodiment
Restore ~~ Bring health and balance to your womb to live in a state of optimal wellbeing
Balance ~~ Create inner and outer harmony world living in true alignment following your feminine innate wisdom.