So much has been moving through me since I have made the conscious decision to step forward on the path of sacred sexuality. I have been practicing the Temple Body Meditation regularly and I have experienced a growing deep love affair with myself and my body. A few days ago I combined the love letter with the temple practice while I touched, caressed, and with my eyes open seeing my body, seeing my radiant form, I spoke sweetly to all parts of my physical being ... "I am sorry that I have judged your hair, I am sorry that I have not trusted you yoni, I love your life giving breasts, I love your skin, '' and on and on ...
As I have been creating the space to consciously love my self and my physical form, so many emotions have arrises. In tandem with the Temple Body Practice, I can sense my deepening embodiment of my own inner masculine. It is like, as I grow in presence and reverence for myself, and as my inner masculine shines his love into my body, I am growing in my sense of worthiness to feel. I have been allowing myself the space and capacity to experience so much aliveness and joy along with lots of deep deep sorrow and pain.
For a back story, it may be helpful to know that my birth father left when I was born. We have been in the process of reuniting over the past 3 years and many layers of challenge has been alive in my life and in my marriage. Mainly, and most vulnerably, I will state, that I have felt unworthy of HIS love, for many reasons that seem valid and real.
From this practice of self love, I can feel myself beginning to crack wide open as I surrender to the path of awakening. My practice of self love is seeding a unique experience of my own inner masculine growing and the end of abandoning my self. I am growing in my commitment to feeling the pain and the joy rather than leaving and not staying with myself.
Embodied Truth Feminine Awakening Practice # 1
Cultivating Embodied Radical Self Love Practice:
own your inner masculine by showering your feminine embodiment with your presence and love
1. create sacred space
2. bring awareness and attention to the mind
3. drop down deeper into the heart
4. drop down deeper into the belly
5. drop down deeper into your womb
6. drop down deeper into the earth's support
7. drop down deeper into the core of the earth
8. feel the pulsating earth vibration under your seat
9. bring your awareness back up through the earth into your womb, up to the belly, up to the heart, through the mind, up out the crown of the head, extending to the stars above
10. Take a moment to feel your masculine presence as an expression of divine love. Feel this embrace of yourself being with the vertical direction of the divine masculine presence.
11. Take a few moments in stillness and allow your whole being to become empty.
12. Open your eyes and begin to look at your radiant beautiful body.
13. Bring your hands to rest on your heart chakra and infuse your palms with as much love and presence as possible.
14. Begin to touch and caress your skin. As you reach different body parts, allow your words to flow from your heart through your mouth.
15. Be honest and vulnerable with yourself as you express your love for your physical form. Share statements that feel like your embodied truth. "I love you nails, I am sorry I have judged you thighs" etc. Imagine you are reading a love poem to your body as you touch and love yourself as fully as possible.
16. When you are complete, find your own sacred way to complete. Some ideas could include journaling, smudging yourself with sage, taking a few moments of silence, or bowing to yourself.
Now, as I consciously create the space to honor and love my self I find myself on my knees at the temple of the beloved within.
Ultimately, facing with brutal honesty, the parts of me that I have been avoiding and resisting for years, is allowing for a deep surrender to happen in my heart and life. With my growing embodiment of my inner union I will no longer abandon myself. I will meet all parts of my process with love and presence.
My invitation is for you to love yourself with as much radical self acceptance as possible and to see where this brings you in your life and relationship. My hope and intention is that you can melt into a deeper trust of your Embodied Truth and right alignment in all ways.
Please share your experience and journey with me by sending me a message and joining the Women Tribe and Community at Embodied Truth:
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With love,
Video: Adi Da Samraj: 'I'll Never Leave You" a perfect representation of the divine masculine presence and love holding his devotees with his never ending compassion