Thursday, January 30, 2020


In my relationships, when I find that I am triggered or activated, or anytime I find a strong attraction or repulsion with another, there is a high chance that I am in projection. How often do I point the finger outside of myself and blame another for being the source of my BLISS or PAIN?
These are the times that I work with using the gift and mirror of relating as an opportunity to bring it back to myself. From my experience, real truth cannot be revealed or spoken without first taking the time to mine the depths of our projections in relationships. How do I do this as a practice and a way of life?
1. When I notice I am in a strong reaction I pause and create space
2. I bring in my conscious masculine presence to offer his presence to notice what is here.
3. Next, I journal, write, and feel about the content and emotions of my experience.
4. Then, I can take a bigger step back and look at the essence of what I am repulsed by or attracted to in the situation or the other.
5. Inviting those qualities to sit in my awareness I then ask myself the questions: “what are these qualities telling me about myself?” And “how are these qualities living inside of me?”
6. Finally, I bring in the loving presence of my divine feminine to bring her nourishing love, acceptance, and softness to this area of myself.
7. After taking some time to invite the projections to land inside of myself, I close with a short prayer of gratitude for the gift of relationship.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Being Love: Level I Training

Join us for the first 2020 Level I Training this March in the beautiful Boulder, CO

with the founder of Principle-Based Partner Yoga, Elysabeth Williamson and Lara Barber, a long-time teacher of the practice.

March 5th - 8th 
Boulder, Colorado 

Immerse in conscious connection over four days, while deepening your capacity for embodied connection. Your relationship with yourself, others and the practice of Yoga will be forever changed.

Includes 25hrs of training, 60page Manual, follow-up support and tools to share Partner Yoga in your own community.

The only in-depth training in Partner Yoga available. Partner or experience in Partner Yoga not required.

Four Early Birds registrations are available!
Register now or learn more at