Saturday, December 4, 2021

Gifted Level 1 Partner Yoga Training with Lara Christine


Gifted Level 1 Partner Yoga Training 
4 Day Immersion
with Lara Christine
January 6-9th, 2022
at Full Circle Yoga, Longmont
372 Main Street
Longmont, CO 80501
Thursday 1/6/22 6 - 9 PM
Friday 1/7/22 9 AM - 1PM & 3 - 6 PM
Saturday 1/8/22 9 AM - 1PM & 3 - 6 PM
Sunday 1/9/22 9 AM - 1PM


Truly free of charge! ($20 Manual Fee + Negative Covid Test Required)

I recently had the privilege and pleasure of supporting a "gifted training" that unlocked and activated a deeper understanding of reciprocity for myself. Because we did not ask for a monetary exchange, participants seemed to be joyfully present and ready to receive the gift of nourishment, connection, and the blessings of Partner Yoga. Birthed out of a gifting economy, I invite you to join me in January 2022 for my very own 'GIFTED PARTNER YOGA TRAINING' in Longmont, Colorado at Full Circle Yoga.

For Yoga Teachers & Students, Relationship Coaches, Couple's Counselors, Lovers, Families, & Friends

In a world starved of authentic and meaningful connection, dedicate time and space to cultivating embodied relating and conscious communication through the practice of Partner Yoga.
Registration is limited and will fill quickly, so please apply soon. Please share the invitation with those who may feel called, and do reach out if you have any questions. If you would like help with local lodging, let me know.
With love,

"I believe we humans are, by nature, compassionate and generous beings that truly desire to be of service to others and to Life itself. Given a supportive environment, this part of our nature naturally reveals itself.
A Partner Yoga training is a delightful microcosm of what is possible when humans feel safe to reveal and express themselves. Once we glimpse this possibility, it is like a hidden door in our psyche opens. The parts of ourselves that we have kept hidden, feel safe and invited to come out and play." - Elysabeth Williamson founder PBPY

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Meet Lara Christine ...

Lara is a passionate yogini who believes in the power of presence and love to illuminate, transform, and restore balance.

Being a Colorado native, Lara was always drawn to an active and athletic lifestyle. Lara was introduced to yoga in a high school dance class and she knew instantly that it was an intricate piece of her life's path and embodiment. She was intrigued and mystified by the complexity of the human body and the study of its movement. As a massage therapist, Lara began deepening into her journey of inhabiting her understanding of the body and living in balance. In 2005, Lara studied at the Boulder College of Massage Therapy where she currently works in Boulder as a massage therapist. Lara's massage sessions blend Zen Shiatsu, Swedish, Neuromuscular, Integrative, Thai Yoga, Polarity, Sports, Hot Stone, and Chair Massage. 

As a powerful self-care adjunct to her massage practice, her dedication to yoga grew more and more. Compelled to immerse herself in its study, she completed her first Yoga Teacher Training in 2008 and began masterfully weaving her experience as a body-worker and a yoga practitioner. Lara's classes convey the depth that she has discovered within yoga that goes far beyond the physical asana practice. Lara creates a beautiful rhythm of meditation and healing by aligning intention, the breath, and focusing the mind with the movement of the physical body. "Because the practice has affected me so profoundly it is a joy and honor to share its benefits through teaching." Lara has expanded her knowledge beyond Vinyasa and Hot Yoga to teach Yin Yoga, she is currently studying Yoga Therapy.

The moment she heard about Elysabeth’s first Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ Teacher Training in 2009 she was magnetized knowing that this was her next step on her yogic path. By combining the power of touch with yoga Lara discovered a deep resonance with a powerfully healing practice. Lara believes that partner yoga creates a sacred space and container for the deeper philosophy of yoga to emerge. Yoga translates to mean "union" and it is here in the space between the other that Lara finds the true essence of yoga: that we are all one. Lara knows that having the support of another human during our yoga practice, and in the dance of life, can cultivate expanded awareness and energy. From her experience, what she discovers through her partner yoga practices can translate off the mat into the world for a rich and rewarding embodied understanding of human relationships. Lara loves teaching 
Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ through group workshops and is available for individual and couple private sessions. 

As a lifelong student and deepening into her path of embodiment and relating, more recently Lara's studies have taken her into the realms of Body-Centered Psychotherapy, Feminine Embodiment Arts, Authentic Relating, and Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy. Integrating the mind, heart, and body on her personal healing journey has been a profound gift that she brings with her into her private and group work. 

As a massage therapist, yoga instructor, and clinical hypnotist, she offers her energy as a gift to each of her students and clients to inspire greater awareness, discovery, and wellbeing.  Each breath, each class, each bow, each session, each touch, and each movement, represents a prayer of devotion and love in service to radiant well-being. When not on her mat or in the office, you can find Lara hiking, playing the Colorado mountains, nurturing time with her family and friends, cooking delicious meals, or singing and dancing. 

"When we begin to embody ourselves authentically on all levels, we have the innate power to heal ourselves naturally."  - Lara Christine  

Stay in touch with Lara's Touch by joining the mailing list and staying updated on inspiring events workshops, discounts, and receiving health and wellness tips to inspire your well-being.  

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Hypno Healing with Lara ~ Working with the Mind #creatingconsciously


With excitement and confidence, I announce that as of August 2021,  I have officially earned my certificate as a Clinical Hypnotist by studying Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy through The Wellness  Institute and the Boulder Hypnotherapy Institute. I began my Hypnotherapy journey as a curious student and dedicated teacher committed to my own personal healing. I had several family members who had successfully stopped drinking and/or smoking cigarettes through this work. Although I was not combating my family lineage of alcoholism I was facing a dark state of depression and my own 'addiction' to negative thought patterns that were holding me back from living fully. 

Curious and intrigued, I set an appointment with the same practitioner who had successfully saved my family members from their despair through hypnosis. My voyage took me on a drive over an hour away to an office building in south Denver. I stepped into her office and felt a feeling of safety and readiness in my healing journey. Instead of working on sleep conditions or addictions, I knew that at the root of my suffering lay a deep-seated belief that I am unworthy and unlovable. After a brief intake and interview, we committed to a series of 3 sessions with the focus being on cultivating self-love. 

As she began counting down from 20 to zero during that first session, I could feel myself slipping into an altered state and opening to the power of working with the mind to create consciously. I have done loads of self-work through my years of personal growth study in Landmark Education, Yoga, Meditation, Body-Centered Psychotherapy, Women's Groups,  Authentic Relating intensives, and seeing my own therapists over the years, but this was something different. Hypnotherapy seemed to blend all of what I had been studying into a beautiful synthesis of spiritual and practical healing. 

When the therapist brought me back into the room about an hour later, not only did I feel refreshed and recentered in a whole new way, a small voice inside of me said, "I think that this is a part of my life work." As a yoga teacher and massage therapist, I have been guiding people into a relaxed healing space through the use of my presence and voice for over a decade. Hypnotherapy had me excited and curious to learn more. All along the way, something inside of me has felt like a very clear and dedicated "yes' to this as a path of healing for myself that I would also love to support others in.  

After working with Carissa for several months and finding lots of success, I started researching different programs to educate myself in the new art of Hypnotherapy. Stumbling upon The Boulder Hypnotherapy Institute through Facebook I found 'divine timing' as Kelly was offering her first six-week introduction to Hypnotherapy. Instantly I signed up and haven't looked back since! During those first six weeks, I committed to a 40-day self-hypnosis challenge and started rebooting my core beliefs and working with my mind around my self-discipline. I have continued my education to complete a six-day intensive with over 30+ hours of practice clients and am currently halfway through the two-year clinical internship to becoming an advanced practitioner. 

What has stood out to me the most on my Hypnotherapy Journey thus far is ...

  • healing energetically 
  • including past life regression 
  • using the mind to our advantage
  • supporting me in becoming my own empowered healer 
  • healing of addictions 
  • finding home in the self 



1. Hypno Healing with Lara - Self Hypnosis for Manifesting Power (Higher Self))

Hypno Healing with Lara - Self Hypnosis for Manifesting Power (Higher Self)

2. Hypno Healing with Lara - Self Hypnosis for Self Love (Healing Waters)

Hypno Healing with Lara - Self Hypnosis for Self Love (Healing Waters)

****Please feel free to share these recordings with anyone and everyone! 

3. Donation Based Hypno Sessions with Lara for supporting  Insomnia, Addiction, or Sexual Trauma 

Currently, I am inviting a hand full of folks to work with me on a donation basis to kick off my hypnotherapy practice. I would love to experience supporting you with insomnia, sexual trauma,  or any addictions you are currently struggling with. Sessions can be live in person in Boulder or online worldwide. 

To inquire please contact Lara at larastouch @ and complete my intake form here: 

New Client Intake Form ~ Hypno Healing with Lara



Hypnosis routes for curing and eliminating Insomnia: 

1. Dropping into a trance state and seeding positive suggestions and increasing positive resourced states. (This is where we will start) 

2. Extinguishing behaviors and habits that do not support deep sleep (maybe second session) 

3. Regressing into past memories and experiences to explore where beliefs around sleep patterns originated and creating healing experiences (possible third session)

4. Rewiring the brain through the power of positive affirmations daily. (ongoing to be done by willing clients dedicated to supporting change.) 

  • I am relaxed and prepared for a night of deep sleep.
  • My body’s natural sleep cycle helps me to drift off to sleep.
  • I sleep deeply throughout the night.
  • I experience restorative sleep each and every night.
  • My bedroom is a sleep oasis.
  • I wake up feeling refreshed and alert.
  • I fill my days with sleep-promoting habits.
  • Insomnia is no longer a part of my life.
  • I accomplished what I could today and I will accomplish even more tomorrow after a night of deep sleep.


What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is defined as “a state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion”(Elkins, Barabasz, Council, & Spiegel, 2015). Patients can be helped to engage in hypnosis with a hypnotic induction which is a sequence of instructions and suggestions that help an individual to become hypnotized, and which traditionally involve instructions for relaxation. Once hypnotized suggestions can be given for alterations in experience. With suggestions “one person is guided by another to respond to suggestions for changes in subjective experiences, alterations in perception, sensation, emotion, thought, or behavior”(Green, Barabasz, Barrett, & Montgomery, 2005). Suggestions are what lead to the most interesting effects in hypnosis. For example, if someone experiencing pain is hypnotized they may feel focused and relaxed, but it is not until they are given a suggestion such as ‘the painful area is beginning to feel numb and insensitive’ that they start to experience significant pain relief. One theory is that suggestions work by altering our expectancies of what is going to happen and our experiences follow from these response expectancies: a critical part of the hypnotic experience is that suggested effects are experienced as involuntary and effortless.


  • Elkins, G. R., Barabasz, A. F., Council, J. R., & Spiegel, D. (2015). Advancing research and practice: The revised APA Division 30 definition of hypnosis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis63(1), 1–9.
  • Green, J. P., Barabasz, A. F., Barrett, D., & Montgomery, G. H. (2005). Forging ahead: the 2003 APA Division 30 definition of hypnosis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis53(3), 259–264.
  • Oakley, D. A., & Halligan, P. W. (2009). Hypnotic suggestion and cognitive neuroscience. Trends in Cognitive Sciences13(6), 264–270.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

THE YOGIC ART OF LIVING ~ Explore the Yamas and Niyamas with Lara

*Do you want to learn more about yoga philosophy?


*Have you fallen in love with your yoga practice but still crave more understanding? 


*Have you wanted to dive deeper into the wisdom of our yoga tradition? 




Join Lara Christine for a 10-week dive into the ethical practices of yoga. 

Starting Friday, August 27th, 2021

Regular drop-in class

Beginner Level Vinyasa practice 

at Full Circle Yoga 



Check out this special 60-minute weekly yoga class that will include a brief lecture (5-10 minutes) to introduce each weekly topic followed by a physical asana practice to anchor the philosophy into your body. Yoga is about more than doing fancy tricks with your body, it is a way of living! Learn to incorporate yogic wisdom to imbue health in all areas of your life off your mat and into the world. According to The Yoga Sutras written by Patanjali, The YAMAS AND NIYAMAS are the ethics and moral codes of living in alignment with a balanced inner and outer lifestyle. These precepts embrace how you view and act in the outward world and how and treat yourself inwardly. 


Learning about these powerful tenents will help you take ownership of your life's direction and give you the tools to increase your overall well-being and satisfaction.

WEEK 1. August 27th - Ahimsa ~ Nonviolence

WEEK 2. September 3rd - Satya ~ Truthfulness

WEEK 3. September 10th - Asteya ~ Nonstealing

WEEK 4. September 17th - Brahmacharya ~ Nonexcess

WEEK 5. September 24th - Aparigraha ~ Nonpossessiveness

October 1st off ~

WEEK 6. October 8th - Saucha ~ Purity

WEEK 7. October 15th - Santosha ~ Contentment

October 22nd off ~

WEEK 8. October 29th - Tapas ~ Self-discipline

November 5th off

WEEK 9. November 12th - Svadhyaya ~ Self-study

November 19th ~ off

WEEK 10. November 26th - Ishvara Pranidhana ~ Surrender

Join for one or all classes. 

Drop-in when you can OR commit to all classes! 

Join us for a weekly dive into the core yogic philosophy and how to live in the right alignment with your path as a student of yoga. 

For questions please email larastouch at 

To register visit:


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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Authentic Movement Practice by Lara

“ .. You surrender to movement instead of controlling it. In doing so, you may also discover how your body prefers to move, which may be unlike how you habitually move. This can allow you to shift naturally out of old, less effective patterns.”

- On Authentic Movement from

Discovering the Body’s Wisdom

by Mirka Knaster

My personal WHY? 

Being a yoga instructor and practitioner, massage therapist certified Hypnotist and being trained in body-centered psychotherapy, I have a high value on including the body and accessing the wisdom and intelligence of the body through inhabiting and listening to and with the body. 

For my personal journey, my mind has been overdeveloped while my body has been neglected and undervalued. AM reminds me to embrace my full aliveness and drop my attention from my mind down into my whole being. 

To me, Authentic Movement offers great practice and skills in:

  • Listening to the body (movers role) 

  • Listening with the body (witness role) 

  • Being seen 

  • Seeing another 

  • Welcoming presence 

  • Somatic awareness and integration 


Authentic Movement is a simple form of self-directed movement usually done with eyes closed where the attention of the one moving is directed inward in the presence of at least one witness. 


  • MOVER - explore spontaneous gestures, movements, stillness, by following and listening to impulses in the present moment (welcome everything, assume nothing, presence)  *there is no ideal or preconceived way to move*
  • WITNESS - watch and track inner responses to the mover with intention of focusing on self-awareness (connection to self, noticing impact, presence) 

Before we go into the practice a simple reminder: 

Mover 3 minutes 

Witness  30 seconds of “reflective movement” & close with 3 words 

Switch roles and repeat 


  1. Partner A {Mover} starts either standing, sitting, or laying 

  2. Both Partner A {Mover} + Partner B {Witness) take a moment to settle and arrive, both bringing full presence to now

  3. Mover ~ listens to impulses, spontaneous gestures, movements, stillness, etc. Movements may be visible or invisible to the witness ~

  4. Witness ~ watches and tracks inner responses to the mover with the intention of focusing on self-awareness

  5. When time is up @ 3 minutes Partner A {Witness} offers a 30 second “reflective movement” (as a response, reflection, or expression of impact) from witnessing the mover, and offers 3 words as a closing offering to complete. 

  6. Switch roles and repeat 

“Movement, to be experienced, has to be found in the body, not put on like a dress or a coat.”

- Mary Starks Whitehouse

creator of “movement in-depth” (AM) 

“Body is the physical aspect of the personality, and movement is the personality made visible.”

- Whitehouse

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Chakra Journey: Exploring the Yogic Energy Body 7 week class series with Lara


Join me for a progressive weekly journey through exploring an embodied understanding of the yogic chakra system.

Friday, January 8th - ROOT
Friday, January 15th - SACRAL
Friday, January 22nd - OFF
Friday, January 29th- SOLAR PLEXUS
Friday, February 5th - HEART CENTER
Friday, February 19th - THIRD EYE
Friday, February 12th - THROAT
Friday, February 26th - CROWN

Friday mornings 9:30am Level 1 Vinyasa
Regular drop-in class
In-person or online

❤️THE ROOT - physical, connect to the earth, support
๐Ÿงก THE SACRAL - sensuality, sexuality, emotions, relations, water
๐Ÿ’›THE SOLAR PLEXUS - healthy ego, power, sense of self, digestion, fire
๐Ÿ’šTHE HEART - unconditional love, the center of the energy body, the element of air
๐Ÿ’™THE THROAT - our expression and unique essence, sound
๐Ÿ’œ THE THIRD EYE - perception, clarity, mind
๐ŸคTHE CROWN - connection to the divine, spirituality
Friday's @ 9:30 AM Mountain Time
Full Circle Yoga
online via zoom or in-person


Enjoy this free beginner level vinyasa practice and introduction to the chakra system:

When I first learned of the chakra system over 10 years ago in massage school, I thought to myself “What is this spiritual woo woo stuff?”
I have revisited them through many different studies and settings over the years from yoga teacher training, workshops, and hypnotherapy courses. Each time I revisit them I begin to open to the reality that energy is real.
Learning about this ancient system has supported me in integrating lost parts of myself and has invited me to build awareness of subtle energy.
I invite you to join me in kicking off the year by bringing more awareness and presence to your chakra system.

Explore the chakras with Lara at Full Circle Yoga (and online via zoom) every Friday morning from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. MST from Friday, January 8th through Friday, February 26th (off on January 22nd) Join for one, some, or all 7 classes. Regular drop-in class Explore our ancient yogic energy body through simple yoga poses, sounding, self-reflection, and gain an embodied growing understanding of yourself and others. To Lara, the chakra system is a map of wholeness and integration. When we bring light and awareness to any deficiencies or excesses in these particular aspects of our life, we have. the innate power to heal and bring more balance. Illuminate. Transform. Restore. Balance. with @Lara's Touch ------- ABOUT LARA Lara is a passionate yogini who believes in the power of presence and love to illuminate, transform, and restore balance. As a massage therapist, yoga instructor, and embodiment & relationship coach she offers her energy as a gift to each of her students and clients to inspire greater awareness, discovery, and wellbeing. Each breath, each class, each bow, each session, each touch, and each authentic movement, represents a prayer of devotion and love in service to radiant well being. Read more here:

To register visit: ------- Friday, January 8th - ROOT Friday, January 15th - SACRAL Friday, January 22nd - OFF Friday, January 29th- SOLAR PLEXUS Friday, February 5th - HEART CENTER Friday, February 12th - THROAT Friday, February 19th - THIRD EYE Friday, February 26th - CROWN -------

Friday, January 8th THE ROOT: Muladhara Chakra SEED SOUND: LAM "I AM." ❤️ The word Muladhara is a combination of two Sanskrit words: "Mula," which means “root” and "Adhara," which means “support” or “base". As the foundation of our energy system, the root represents our connection to mother earth, our connection to our basic survival, vitality, and sense of ground. When in balance, we feel firmly rooting in our lives and being, with a sense of freedom. If out of balance, one may be ungrounded, flighty, with no sense of honoring or knowing self. Or on the extreme, an unbalanced connection to the root may express as an inability to complete things or make progress. ---- Friday, January 15th THE SACRAL: Svadhisthana Chakra SEED SOUND: VAM "I FEEL." ๐Ÿงก According to Hindu Tantrism, Svadhistana is a combination of two Sanskrit words: "svad or swa," which means “one's own” and "Adhisthana," which means “abode” or “seat". As the second center of our ancient energetic system, the sacral chakra represents our connection to our emotional body, our connection with the world through our 5 senses, sensuality/sexuality, our creativity, our relationship to pleasure, the element of water, and our ability to be flexible and go with the flow. When this chakra is in balance we feel comfortable and in the right relationship with our sexuality and creative power, we honor our sexuality as sacred and contain this aspect of our life with healthy boundaries, expression, and reverence. One who has a balanced sacral chakra can remain playful and able to flow with life. Being bright and open, they possess a playful connection with others. If out of balance, one may seem rigid, disconnected from feelings, unable to go with the flow of life, and have a strong block in their sexual expression. Or on the extreme, an unbalanced connection to Svadhisthana may express as emotional outbreaks, addiction to sex, limited capacity to enjoy life's pleasures, no passion or zest for life, and/or co-dependent relating tendencies. ---- Friday, January 29th THE SOLAR PLEXUS: Manipura Chakra SEED SOUND: RAM "I DO." ๐Ÿ’› Our third energetic center, with the Sanskrit name "Manipura", ("mani" meaning gem, and "puri' meaning city) is referred to as the "lustrous gem" because it shines like a warm sun when in balance. Being our source of will, and power, when this center is balanced we feel confident and secure in our autonomy. The solar plexus center, located about six inches above your belly button, is associated with the color yellow and the element of fire. Not only is this related to our energetic center of self-esteem, and it also relates to our transformational fire/heat energy that burns away impurities through intention and action directing us on our soul's unique path. When this chakra is in balance one maintains a healthy sense of ego. Without being self-doubting with low self-esteem, or having an inflated ego with a desire to achieve external validation, one will remain centered and in the right relationship with willpower and a deep connection to self. No longer seeming to be the victim to life circumstances, we realize at the third chakra level of development that we have the power to choose our life path and direction. We feel centered in who we are with a healthy sense of sovereignty. Steering the course of your own ship, with a balanced 3rd chakra, one will have energy and be focused in alignment with path and purpose. If out of balance, a person who has an imbalance in this area of life will have low self-esteem, seek approval from outside sources, may seem powerless and unmotivated in life, and may struggle with an inability to take action. On another extreme, a person who seems overpowering, overindulgent, be dominant, or tend to manipulate others to get what they want, may also be expressing imbalances in the Manipura Chakra. ---- Friday, February 5th THE HEART CENTER: Anahata Chakra SEED SOUND: YAM "I FEEL." ๐Ÿ’š Our fourth primary Chakra, in Sanskrit called "Anahata" means "unstruck", "unbeaten," or "unhurt" and refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound, the sound of the celestial realm. Here resides the spiritual center of love, balance, and connection. Personally, I find it fascinating that the heart chakra is the center of love, and is located directly in the center of the chest, as well as the center of our 7 primary chakras (with 3 above, and 3 below). To me, this highlights how central the energy of love is to our wellbeing and health. In addition, referring to this "unstruck" realm of the "celestial" order of the sky, the energy of love seems to be an everyday ordinary miracle that keeps life in order and, just as the sun and moon dance together in order, so can the energy of love and compassion dance amongst the lover and the beloved. Associated with the element of air, the color green, and the resting home of self-compassion, self-love, compassion, openness, and the love for others, to me, Anahata Chakra is an important place to generate healing for ourselves and the world. Our sweet sensitive hearts call out amongst humans in need of attention and care, it seems to me, like an important place to take an honest inventory by noticing your thoughts, emotions, and actions to identify any blockages in your heart center. When this chakra is in balance we feel open and available to share the love with those around us. No longer acting from core beliefs of isolation and disconnection, we feel harmonious and receptive to give and receive the energy of love with ease, joy, and glory. We also manifest strong self-compassion and learn to foster and support a loving relationship with ourselves as our primary and most important relationship. Here, we generate a deeper sense of trust in ourselves which outwardly softens the edges and barriers to the heart resulting in more compassion and love for others. If out of balance, a person may be distant from others, may not feel very welcome in social settings, feeling like they do not belong, and may have social anxiety. Due to a lack of understanding and self-compassion, they may be very harsh or critical on themselves. At the other end of the spectrum, one may feel overly attached in relationships, being clingy or desperate, with a "hole" in their heart that must be filled by another. Perhaps one with an excess or deficiency in the heart chakra could manifest in playing the role of the victim or prosecutor in intimate relating, or may hold grudges and feel bitter and angry towards others often. ---- Friday, February 12th THE THROAT: Vishuddah Chakra SEED SOUND: HAM "I SPEAK." ๐Ÿ’™ Moving upward to the 5th primary chakra we discover the power of vibrational sound, communication, our unique expression, and wisdom. The Sanskrit name "Vishuddah" translates into meaning "especially pure" and refers to the potency of speaking, listening, and expressing yourself from a higher form of consciousness. Located at the throat and neck, our throat center is the first on the ladder of the more spiritual chakras, and bridges the body and the mind. Living in alignment, "especially pure", unclouded in the throat chakra, reminds us of the beautiful power of inviting our vibrational actions to line up with our vibrational words. When this chakra is in balance we are honest and open in our communication and relationships. We may also find ease in our confidence and a clear direct assertiveness and discernment when decisiveness is needed. Having a balanced throat chakra may manifest as a deep sense of dignity and respect for ourselves while also maintaining an openness when others bring their opinions. If out of balance, as you may have guessed, a person may feel shy or have an inability to express themselves openly. Due to shame or guilty patterns, one may hold secrets and feel like they must hide from others. Deficiency in the throat could also manifest as difficulty in being honest with ourselves and others, one may find themselves in restrictive relationships where their full expression is not welcome, there may be a fear of public speaking, and an inability to express emotions. On another extreme, an excessive throat imbalance could result in speaking too quickly or too impulsively, aggressive expression of opinions or one may be socially overbearing or overly opinionated. ____ Friday, February 19th THE THIRD EYE: Ajna Chakra SEED SOUND: OM "I SEE." ๐Ÿ’œ Climbing upward to the spiritual 6th primary chakra, also known as Ajna Chakra, meaning "to command", we make contact with ourselves beyond what can be seen by the naked eye. The higher you reach, the more gentle the power and the subtlety of our liberated freedom becomes. Our third eye (also known as the brow chakra) is the energetic center for perception, intuition, ability to see forward and backward in time, & connects us to our power of manifestation, imagination, and thought. Being the space of mindful watching, this chakra empowers us to take responsibility for our life, remembering that we can cultivate conscious "command of our life", remembering that we have the capacity to own and create our reality. Sometimes considered a psychic center, some people experience clairvoyance when they clear and work with this chakra. According to yogic philosophy, when the third eye is balanced and in harmony with our other chakras, we reach the doorway to spiritual enlightenment. A notable fact is that the brow chakra is the point where the central energy channel, called the Sushumna, and the two lateral channels (representing sun and moon energies) called the ida and pingala, converge in the center of the forehead. Our 6th chakra is a powerful place to consciously connect with our growing capacity for insight, perception, seeing, vision, magic, miracles, manifestation, moving beyond the realm of time, & cultivating our intuition. When this chakra is in balance, we unlock the power to see things from a meta overarching perspective. We have a more clear bird's eye view of our path and have easy access spiritually to the Mystical States moving beyond the material realm. We also feel a sense of calm and clarity, we are self-aware, have foresight, & possess an ability to distinguish truth from illusion. Furthermore, we distinguish reality from fantasy and we are no longer fixated on our limitations and can see the bigger picture of life. Our life can become more fluid, vibrant, and creative while following the spontaneous flow, listening to the guidance of our intuition. If out of balance, and specifically if this center of our being has a deficiency, it may manifest as a sense of living without a direction, being ungrounded, with no particular aim. One may seem confused often and have a quality of being dreamy, fuzzy, and lost. On another extreme, if this particular chakra is excessive, it may manifest as being narrow-minded, arrogant, one-pointed, or maybe a feeling of being narrow-minded and not open to the spiritual aspects of life. An imbalance at the brow center could also contribute to mood disorders, depression, mental illness, and paranoia. ____ Friday, February 26th THE CROWN: Sahasrara SEED SOUND: SILENCE "I UNDERSTAND." ๐Ÿค Our final 7th primary chakra is called "Sahasrara" in Sanskrit meaning "thousand-petaled" which refers to the metaphor of a lotus flower blooming at the top of our head connecting us with divine consciousness. According to yoga philosophy, Sahasrara is the seat of the soul and the access point towards full spiritual enlightenment Reminding us that we have access to the eternal, it is here at the crown chakra, that we give, receive, & exchange with universal energy. Moving beyond the mind & beyond the body, we recognize and embark upon our path of remembering our true spiritual essence. Our crown chakra is also associated with the ability to have the perception of the bigger picture and to cultivate self-awareness. Being connected to the spiritual, having a connection with the 7th Chakra ignites a deeper understanding of the support of the unseen realms and that we can cultivate a deep sense of peace beyond the worldly affairs of everyday life. Granting a deeper meaning to life, meditation, mindfulness, awareness, and spiritual presence offers us a sense of living beyond the basic understanding into a more expansive experience of life offering more inner peace and clarity. While we may have imbalances in the lower chakras, connecting to and opening the crown chakra allows energy to flow more freely through the entire energetic system. When this chakra is in balance, we possess a rejuvenated sense of appreciating being alive on this planet. Identifying beyond the low self, one with an open flowing crown will also experience this same relationship with life; open, flowing, spontaneous, free, aligned, fluid, and playful. Having a more grandiose or meta-perspective of life as well as the Higher Self, you will be more present in life, seeing and remembering the bigger picture of your spiritual life and evolution. With a deep connection to the spirit, one will live from this holy space towards a place of enlightened peace. Having released blockages on the 7th chakra will allow a person to define their reality as being pleasant and expansive. If our of balance, on the deficient end of the spectrum, one may find themselves without purpose in life and alienated from others. Being withdrawn with a strong sense of disconnection a person could potentially find themselves with a lack of understanding or compassion for others, apathy, loneliness, and an overall sense of lifelessness. At the opposite end of the spectrum with excess energy at the crown chakra, may manifest as imbalances in the mind like perhaps being more prone to mental fog, confusion, mental illness, or have neurological or endocrine disorders. Inflating or having a false sense of self can also result in manifesting symptoms of egotism, greed, or materialism. Being concerned with the material plane can offset our deeper direction and path in life as a spiritual being waking up on the earth. ____ For questions contact Lara at Lara's Touch @stayintouchwithlarastouch Namaste ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ