As I look around at the strife and confusion of the world
I drop deeper into the places of pain within
I recognize my power to choose
I remember
I continue to open my heart
as I choose to be present
to pain and darkness
there in my most challenging moments
it finally becomes clear to me
as the light comes trickling in
slowly flooding the deepest pain
with the sweetest balm
it becomes clear again
I am my own greatest healer.
all the pills, medicines, books, self-help course, all of them
won't do the trick
until I can honestly fully take
radical responsibility for me
pointing me back
again and again to the honest order
that I have the power
to mend and heal my darkest wounds
reaching into the knowing
through my tools
my practices my breath my mind
the power of my thoughts
I open again and again
to the radiant healing power
of continuing to open my heart
to the flame of truth
my contraction is access into the most blissful expansion
of heart-opening love
Thank goodness
I have arrived
Finally, able, capable, ready to know
recognize, feel, remember, and heal
my wholeness back into reality
here and now
#hypnohealingwithlara #thepowerofthought #healthyself #embodiedtruth #larastouch #radicalresponsibility #yogalife #relationshiptoself #selfhealing #thankgoodness #wholeness #healing #readytoheal #openingmyheart #truth #myowngreatesthealer #purepotential #wordscreate #owningmypower #creativepotential
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