Thursday, January 31, 2019

{The Divine Masculine}

With the return of the Divine Feminine awakening on the planet at this time, to me, it is equally important to consciously cultivate an embodied relationship with the Divine Masculine. In tandem, these two energies will birth true union, a new paradigm, rooted in the deep presence and unbounded, radiant love. Man or woman, we all contain feminine and masculine energies in our being. Connecting to and working with this as a map towards balance has been key for my yogic understanding of subtle energy and awakening on the path of becoming.

In my opinion, true masculine power is wildly misunderstood in our current patriarchal structures. My growing understanding of conscious masculine has less to do with power over and more to do with the power of showing up, staying with, & being a pillar of strength and direction for myself and others. As one of my dear friends and teacher Juliet Haines likes to refer to it, the feminine essence is like the flowing river of life, including all of our life experience, while the masculine essence is represented by the banks of the river. As this image depicts, the edges of the container represent the masculine's deep capacity to hold, to be with, & to penetrate with His presence. Unwavering in His steady commitment to being, He is limitless in His connection to consciousness. Vast open spaciousness allows freedom as an expansive stillness, a presence, a place to let go, & empty and surrenders into. He is also a giving force that protects and directs the flowing feminine lifeforce.

For years I have been connecting with and cultivating my flowing femininity. Feeling my female essence thrive has been deeply healing, rebalancing, and rewarding and yet, at times I can be swept up and away in her emotions, and unbounded shakti. Cultivating the spaciousness to empty out with the slowing presence of my inner divine masculine allows for a sense of peace and calm. As I am with myself in this new growing way I feel a new possibility to hold parts of myself that were once exiled or avoided. Now, with the ability and capacity to hold my life experiences with my inner masculine presence, I allow time and space to feel deeply without getting lost in the sea of feminine movement.
"I am pure consciousness.
I am the Generator, Orchestrator, and Power of Truth.
Source of Guidance, Full of Drive and Intelligence.
Fearless, Discerning, Decisive, and Giving,
I honor the Beloved with my Devoted Pillar of Commitment.
I am Sovereign, King who serves all. Father, Lover, Divine man.
I am a Lingam of Light.
I am fulfilled and free, a rhythmic, primordial power of light.
I am the actions of man as the son of my Father.
Intelligence of Transcendent Love, and Formless Truth I am Enlightenment."
- Attributes of the Divine Masculine from Sacred Relationships by Anaiya Sophia
(Image: Hindu Tantra "Shri Yantra" representing the union of the masculine and feminine divine.)