Tuesday, November 10, 2020

>>>> Healthy Coping Strategies #hypnohealingwithlara


we all have them.
let's face it.
life can be hard. really hard.
being human in 2020 has not been an easy ride for some of us
whether its alcohol, tobacco, sex, television, screentime, food, sugar, exercise, a thought pattern ...
It makes sense to me that we would want to feel good
it makes sense to me that we would want the pain to stop
it makes sense to me that we would want to attach to something 'good'
and so I have begun the process of not judging my addictions
instead, I am choosing to get curious
to slow down and feel
bring in mindfulness to ask:
"What is here?" and I offer it space ...
As a conscious practice to re-pattern
I feel the impulse
I feel the burning desire for the next 'hit'
I ask myself - is this nourishing for me? or is this toxic? Will it ultimately lead me to more fulfillment or only a mere moment of reprieve from the intensity of living?
and I create a new list of healthy coping strategies for myself?
what are the healthy habits that support me to really feel good?
can I turn towards that for 5 minutes instead of succumbing to the powerlessness that leaves me feeling unsatisfied ultimately?
can I turn towards an empowering tool that will offer me more radiant health and cultivate a deeper trust in the love I have for myself?

For me, it's singing.
It is something I can take with me wherever I go.
Take in a breath and let out my own healing vibration
Pick up that guitar, let it rip, express instead of repress, and feel
I dare you ... create a list of 3-5 things you love that you know are healthy coping strategies for you
and when you feel your next urge to turn towards that addiction

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Creating Safe Listening Spaces for Couples, Partnerships, Families, & Communities

Creating Safe Listening Spaces
for Couples, Partnerships, Families, & Communities 

We all deserve to be seen and heard.
Whether you are a stressed-out parent, dealing with a recent job layoff, facing your marital issues, feeling ecstatic about a recent win, falling in love for the first time, or making space in your life for a new hobby...
It feels important to be known and felt.

Clear and honest communication was never modeled in my family of origin, therefore I have been on a humble quest to understand and learn how to be in healthy relationships. In my opinion, relationships and communication should be part of our education system. 

I have been on the path of relationship (my whole life really!) but since my marriage with Colin began in 2008. Choosing a committed partnership early on in my life started me down a path of utilizing personal growth in a relationship as a path of awakening. One thing that I love about Colin is his commitment to growth and our dedication to self-study which has certainly been a highlight to our deepened friendship. Completing the first Principle-Based Partner Yoga teacher training with my teacher Elysabeth in 2009 allowed me to bring more of a yogic and embodied understanding of the realm of relationships into my life. With the birth of my daughter in 2014 growing my child attachment bond unearthed deep healing around my own childhood and relationships. Becoming a mother invited me to step more powerfully into my feminine, and has since initiated a deep healing journey and passion for the relationship between the masculine and feminine through sisterhood healing and healing my sexuality. Most recently and since 2016, on a quest towards more and more inclusion,  I have been guided to deepen my study of relationships through authentic relating practices and have immersed myself in communities devoted to the art of safe listening spaces.

While my understanding, practice, and implementation of creating 'safe listening spaces' is far from perfect, I am a humble student committed to utilizing the path of relationship as a process of awakening. When I say this, I mean that through the mirror of intimacy, I am shown parts of myself that are in the shadows and when seen have the powerful impact of waking me up to places where I have been asleep, numb, or unintegrated. 

Though my training with the Integral Center, T3 (Train the Trainer), and the C4 (Creating Connection through Conscious Connection) Institude, I have invested and devoted many many hours "being seen" and "seeing others" in the present moment. For me, this has been training ground for how I want to show up as a mother, partner, lover, daughter, and friend. 

I can state that learning tools for deep listening have revolutionized my friendships and intimacy. 

::::Some of my noticing ::::
Sharing my life with others seems to offer great meaning and depth.

True deep friendship can seem like a sweet balm when times are rough.

It is a true pleasure and a gift to offer my safe listening ear to those around me allowing for deeper intimacy.

When someone hears me and welcomes my experience, I feel like I have more space to expand.

Sharing my true presence and unconditional love, not wanting to fix others,  brings an element of service to my life that is richly satisfying.

I am constantly in a relationship with myself and others. Having tools to support relationship seems super helpful for me to receive more nourishment and get my needs met in my partnerships, relationships, and family.


More than ever, I feel passionate about creating safe listening spaces for people to share authentically what is real for them. For it is in the relationship to another that I can be mirrored and to me, this feels deeply rewarding and richly satisfying. Living alone and in a box with no human mirroring can seem interesting for the introverted part of myself, and eventually, I yearn for human connection and the aliveness that real friendship and support offers. Social distancing has only highlighted for me my need for healthy interconnectedness and how setting the context for having safe spaces to express myself has been deeply rewarding and healing. For me personally, social distancing has amplified everything in my life, including the parts of my relationships to myself and others that have not been working. My intention with sharing this information with you is to inspire your partnerships, relationships, and communities to create safe listening spaces for one another. 

In my opinion, there are 5 essential keys and 2 simple practices that will support you in cultivating safe listening spaces. My suggestion is to start by slowly learning what the essential keys mean for you. Craft your own definition of each of the principles to create your own unique embodied understanding. Next, do the 2 practices as often as you are able. Practice deep listening to have the others in your life feel understood and seen. 

Safe Listening Spaces

5 Essential Keys: 
1. Presence - cutting out distractions, choosing to be in the moment here and now
2. Love - positive regard for the other, not needing to change or fix 
3. Assume Less - inviting in the idea that we don’t actually know
4. Welcome More - radical acceptance of what is
5. Owning Our Experience - radical responsibility, only speaking what is true for you

*Release attachment to getting the essential keys perfect and simply hold them gently in your awareness and invite them as a way of being for yourself and others. From my experience, holding these keys lightly allows me to become more humble and dignified while I am in communication with another. 

2 Practices: 
1. Reflective Listening - staying back what we hear the other say
2. Sharing Impact -  being willing to share what is present in us

Setting Context: 
From my experience, creating a container can be a very profound way to create depth in your relationship. In the beginning, as you begin to make deep listening more a part of your way of being, it will be helpful specifically to set time and space for 'safe listening' in your relationships. For this, set a timer and suggest that you will do the safe listening practice from anywhere between 20 - 60 minutes

1. Pick one person to be the speaker and the other person/people to be the listeners 
2. take a moment to arrive and settle with a few breaths 
3. Represents the 4 Essential Keys. Describe them in your own unique understanding.  
3. start your timer for your length of time you intend to share in this intentional way

4. SPEAKER - gives space for the speaker to share what wants to be known. Feel free to be spacious with allowing the speaker to really tap into what feels alive for them at the moment and/or around a specific topic. 

4. LISTENER - as much as possible bring your presence to really hearing your speaker. Listen to each word without adding interpretations. Do allow yourself to feel the words from inside of yourself and how the words affect you. 
5. Do the practices of reflective listening and sharing impact together. 
listener = reflective listening & sharing impact. 

5. Give space and move at your own pace. 

6. Feel free to do this practice back and forth OR simply give space for one person to be the speaker for this session. You may wish to devote a different time and space to the second person being the speaker if that feels right. Trust your intuition with this process and listen to what is needed in your relationship. Again, we all deserve to be equally seen and heard. 

7. Complete by closing in a natural way. You may want to recap what was shared briefly, offer a hug.kiss, or have some other way of naturally ending the intentional space you have created together. 


REFLECTIVE LISTENING = Listener repeat back exactly what you heard the other say. Do not add your interpretations. 
 - You can quote words that stood out to you or 
- paraphrase what you heard the other say. 
Again, resist the urge to add your interpretations as much as possible. You will have an opportunity to share yourself and your perspective when you share impact. 

SHARING IMPACT = Listener notice how you feel as you are hearing the speaker with your full presence. Notice emotions, thoughts, images, insights, intuitions. Share what arises in you as you listen. As much as possible own your experience as you are sharing impact. 


I have a dream that men and women across the globe work together in harmony listening, supporting, honoring, and inspiring one another with open hearts and minds with honesty and respect. I envision a planet where we can honor differences and hold maturity and respond from grounded places when challenging topics arise. I am committed to the practice of creating safe listening places for everyone and I invite you on the journey. I hold in my heart that everyone deserves to be seen and heard and we have the power collectively to offer that space to one another. 

"Emotional maturity means that your awareness operates even during the most profound emotional states." - Richard Rudd 36th Gene Key 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Embodying Archetypes /// Embodied Truth: FREE 4 Part Women's Group Series SEPTEMBER 2020

Embodied Truth: 4 Part Women's Group Series

a free introduction to embodying the archetypes and connecting with the rhythm of the moon

The female body is deeply connected to the rhythms of nature and her unique cycles. What would your life look, feel, and be like if you understood and honored your body and it’s feminine rhythms more fully? .

As a path of remembering, Embodied Truth invites your whole being, all of its parts, and those parts yet to be discovered, with presence and love. It is important as a woman living in today's world to meet ourselves with as much presence and love that we would desire from our closest lover. It reminds us, that we alone, are our life partner, and teach us to greet, meet, and welcome the light & dark, of our experience to embrace and express more of our authentic selves. While cultivating a deep reverence and respect for our flowing rhythmical feminine, we are also guided towards cultivating our deep inner masculine to hold our selves and our processes as sacred and true.

Honoring your body and womb, and seeing her wonder, allows you to truly inhabit and own our life through connecting with your instrument and vessel as sacred

Join Lara Barber for a FREE ONLINE WOMEN"S GROUP in reclaiming your embodied truth through owning your moon cycle, learning about each phase of your monthly cycle, listening to your unique body, and honoring the gift of each phase. No longer a nuisance or a burden, our cycle can become a gift towards more wholeness, embodiment, and true alignment. We can then begin to craft our life in accordance with this perfect rhythm and cultivate more balance and health in ourselves and the world.
Living in your embodied truth requires listening & bringing awareness to the wisdom of your body while also honoring where you are at with loving care.
Being a genuine gift and offering to women everywhere, this 4 part women's series will break down the 4 phases of our menstrual flow and the archetype and energetic imprint associated with each phase. When these phases are distinguished, recognized, and honored, we as women are able to step into a whole new level of power by harnessing our creative sexual energy.



  • FULL MOON /// THE MOTHER LOVER Tuesday, Sepember 1st 6-8 PM
  • WANING HALF MOON /// THE WILD WOMAN Thursday, September 10th 6-8 PM
  • NEW MOON /// SACRED DREAMER Thursday, September 17th 6-8 PM
  • WAXING HALF MOON /// GRACEFUL WARRIOR Wednesday, September 23rd 6-8PM
Each gathering will be live via zoom. We will gather and ground with meditation and check-in circle. Lara will guide a feminine embodiment practice focussed on embodying the unique archetype. Practices may include breath work, yoga and movement, journaling, thoughtful reflection, authentic sharing, and therapeutic processes.
Lara is a passionate Yogini who believes in the power of presence and love to illuminate, transform, and restore balance, both individually and collectively. Along with her 10 years as a Principle-Based Partner Yoga teacher, she has studied and practiced a wide variety of healing modalities that she synthesizes into her classes and private work. These include Yoga, Body-Centered Psychotherapy, Massage Therapy, Feminine Embodiment Arts, and Authentic Relating. As an embodiment coach, Lara loves blending the healing touch of Principle-Based Partner Yoga with her passion for relational connection. She sees this synthesis as a form of devotional art that she continues to integrate into her own life. When not on her yoga mat, you will find Lara singing, dancing, and hiking in the Colorado mountains as well as playing with her daughter Brooke.

" I am deeply rooted in the mother, listening to The Whispers of my womb." 

I slow down.

I become still.

I release my masks and rolls.

I drop down and into my body.

I retreat into my sacred temple.

I listen.

I feel.

I receive wisdom.

As I take time to go within, I consciously rewrite my story.

I heal shame around my body, sexuality, and menstruation through consciously loving myself.

I recognize my feminine power and my temple body as sacred.

I honor my beautiful cycle that is an extension of and reflection of nature's perfect harmony.

My womb is a portal for wisdom and gifts. I listen to the subtle way that my body guides me.

" I am clear in my boundaries. I act with discernment. " 

•I am grounded in my heart~mind~body. •I recognize my self-worth and value. •I am open, receptive, and present. •I listen to my embodied wisdom. •I speak my truth.

•I take action in alignment with desire. •I mindfully return to intention.

I align and take action to bring my sacred dreams into the world.


• I am pure love.

• I remember.

• My presence is enough.

• I open to my infinite potentiality.

I draw on the support of the earth to open my body and heart to express the divine love that radiates through my unique presence.

I share and express my gifts, love, gratitude, and attention openly.

I am generous and full.

I am embodied and rooted in the love and support of the Earth. From a place of connection and love, I birth my potential.

I am present, available, loving, giving, and open to connection.

I am connected to my senses and sensuality.

I am connected to my full creative power.

I celebrate my temple body.



• I stand in my truth.

• I listen to my primal instinctual nature.

• I am powerful in my vulnerability.

• I am free to be me.

I release the societal programming and attachments of being the "good girl."

I am wild, wise, straight, and honest.

I tune into and connect with, my inner magic, the ancient wisdom, and the inner knowing Within Me.

My voice speaks the truth.
I allow myself to feel and let go.
I embrace and face the hidden parts of myself.
I hold space for myself to feel the Deep Emotions that are wanting Tender Care.
I embrace, express, and release that which is ready to be let go of.
I honor the different cycles and phases of being a woman.
I listen to the wisdom of my body.


Sunday, March 8, 2020

Lara's Touch: Office Location in South Boulder

Starting August 1st Lara's Touch is excited to announce new office hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and some Sundays
at Mandala Integrative Medicine Clinic Underground

Mandala Integrative Medicine Clinic ~ Underground Offices 
825 S Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305

On the west side of South Broadway, you will see a sign that reads "Mandala Clinic" and "Mock Realty". Park anywhere along the parking lot and enter the building on the east side near Broadway. Walk down the stairs and veer left to find "Mandala Clinic Underground' Suite number 50. 

$150/90 minute sessions with amethyst infrared bio mat and aromatherapy
**Discount Packages @ 90 minute sessions $150
3 sessions $405 (regular cost $450)
6 sessions $810 (regular cost $900)
8 sessions $1,080 (regular cost of $1,200)
10 sessions $1,350 (regular cost $1,500)

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Working with the Yoni Egg ~ Introduction with Lara

Working with the Yoni Egg ~ 
Free Online Introduction 
With Lara of Embodied Truth 

Embodied Truth - (Feminine Embodiment Training) s dedicated to empowering the balanced
woman standing in her true authentic power and radiant joy. Through feminine embodiment
practices, self-awareness, self-compassion,  self - expression, & growing support in
sisterhood, Embodied Truth supports women leaders to be deeply rooted in their
body-mind-spirit to inspire health and wellness on all levels.  

Do not use the Yoni Egg iff ...
1. You are pregnant. 
2. You have an IUD. 
3. You are menstruating. 
4. You have an active infection. 
5. You have a pelvic container.