Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Working with the Yoni Egg ~ Introduction with Lara

Working with the Yoni Egg ~ 
Free Online Introduction 
With Lara of Embodied Truth 

Embodied Truth - (Feminine Embodiment Training) s dedicated to empowering the balanced
woman standing in her true authentic power and radiant joy. Through feminine embodiment
practices, self-awareness, self-compassion,  self - expression, & growing support in
sisterhood, Embodied Truth supports women leaders to be deeply rooted in their
body-mind-spirit to inspire health and wellness on all levels.  

Do not use the Yoni Egg iff ...
1. You are pregnant. 
2. You have an IUD. 
3. You are menstruating. 
4. You have an active infection. 
5. You have a pelvic container.