Thursday, January 12, 2017

Awakening the Heart: Partner Yoga Workshop for Valentine's Day 2017

Remember and connect with the inner intelligence of your heart. 

This workshop will combine simple partner yoga practices to awaken this divine center in your being.  
Perfect for friends, family, or lovers. 

Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ is an emerging practice that combines the healing power of yoga, conscious touch, and union of self and other. It integrates the body-heart-mind-spirit connection among individuals by combining simple and profound techniques to inspire a deeper awareness in yoga poses & practices.

Join with or without a partner. All levels welcome.
Register online here!

"There is a light that shines beyond all things on Earth, beyond us all, beyond the heavens, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in our heart."
Chandogya Upanishad 3.13.7

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Surfing the Wave: Solo and Partner Yoga Playtime

Surfing the Wave

Solo and Partner Yoga Playtime 
with Lara Barber 

Yoga Union at The Integral Center
Thursday, January 19th 
6:30-8:30 p.m.

$20 each 
$15 pre-register online 
$10 for Integral 

What is it like to connect to self? 
What is is like to connect to others? 

Surf the wave between your individual self and your connections with others in this fun partner yoga playtime. This workshop builds the skills, tools, and inspirations to build bridges between individual and partner practices and demonstrates how each practice supports the other. Our focus will be on mirrored postures, partner vinyasa, creative collaborations, flying poses.

Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ is an emerging practice that combines the healing power of yoga, conscious touch, and union of self and other. It integrates the body-heart-mind-spirit connection among individuals by combining simple and profound techniques to inspire a deeper awareness in yoga poses & practices.

Join with or without a partner. All levels welcome. 

"In Principle-Based Partner Yoga, we become gurus for each other, dispelling the illusion of separation." - Elysabeth Williamson

Partner Yoga @ The Integral Center Boulder

Dear Friends, 

Exploring partnership through the context of Partner Yoga is a deeply rich territory for self-study and reflection. One of my biggest passions is illuminating self to self and self to other dynamics through the microscope of partnered practices. It is my honor to offer Principle-Based Partner Yoga at the beautiful yoga space, Yoga Union in the basement of The Integral Center here in Boulder, Colorado on an ongoing basis. 

You are personally invited to join me in this exploration and expansion of Partner Yoga. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to combine therapeutic yoga, conscious touch, and relating practices to deepen your understanding of yourself in relationship to others and the world. 

In addition, if you are a therapist, teacher, healer, leader, etc. please consider collaborating with me for any events or applications where you feel that Partner Yoga may be a fit. In particular, Partner Yoga can be a wonderful team building activity for colleagues, team-mates, lovers, and friends. Working together with you and your clients would be an honor. If you know anyone who might resonate with this possibility please pass along my information by forwarding this email. On another note, I am always seeking people to practices and play partner yoga, in a casual way away from the teaching setting. If this is something that interests you please do let me know! 

Partner Yoga at Yoga Union 
The Integral Center
2805 Broadway St
Boulder, Colorado 80304

2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 
6:30- 8:30 p.m. 

Some highlights: 
*New themes each week to offer depth, meaning, and playfulness 
*Embodiment practices while relating to others 
*Healing power of yoga and relationship 


Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ is an emerging practice that combines the healing power of yoga, conscious touch, and union of self and other. It integrates the body-heart-mind-spirit connection among individuals by combining simple and profound techniques to inspire a deeper awareness in yoga poses & practices.

Join with or without a partner. All levels welcome. 

"In Principle-Based Partner Yoga, we become gurus for each other, dispelling the illusion of separation." - Elysabeth Williamson

Here is a facebook link to the event happening this Thursday, January 5th: 

Upcoming Thursday classes: 
January 5th 
January 19th 
February 9th 
February 23rd 

Thank you for your love and support! 
