Friday, August 4, 2023

Embodiment Practice of Welcoming Everything/Welcoming More

By Lara Christine 

Welcoming Everything or Welcoming More is a concept and quality that I have been inviting into my own life and practice. Opening to this has not always been easy but it does support me in integrating more wholeness in my human experience. The ultimate goal to include and transcend, for me is to become more spacious and to have less inner friction. Thank you to my teachers in the world of Authentic Relating who have gifted me with these concepts. This practice has been adapted from tools I have learned through my T3 (Train the Trainer) training and the C4 (Creating Connection through Conscious Communication) Institute. 


Welcoming Everything or Welcoming More is the practice of allowing what is to be and of creating space for what is. Asking ourselves, what is here and giving it the time and presence to provide it with space. 

Please allow your practice to be a deep contemplation of the human journey. Be gentle with yourself as you consider this rich exploration. Notice in real-time what is happening to you. How much can you illuminate that part of you that lives in the shadows that operate under the surface and runs the show? Start with self-awareness and notice how that naturally progresses towards self-acceptance, & self-compassion, and ultimately, more liberation and sovereignty around self-expression

Welcoming does not imply that we are people pleasing, approving of something that goes against our own values and desires by denying our own authenticity. Welcome does imply that we begin to invite a sense of curiosity to illuminate how we are relating to ourselves, our parts, and life. May this practice support us to ignite more self-empowerment on our paths to becoming more fully human. 

“The moments when I am not welcoming are the access points into the practice of welcoming more. For me, it is these moments that can often lead to more expansion bringing divinity into my humanity. “ - Lara Christine 

What are some things that we resist? 

  • Pain 

  • Disappointment 

  • Truth 

  • Being nervous 

  • Feeling incompetent 


Contracting, hiding, turning towards addiction, lying to ourselves and others, not being willing to see, numbing out, distracting, making excuses. 


  1. Resisting 

  2. Avoiding 

  3. Denying 

  4. Welcoming 


Before we begin this practice, I invite you to anchor your own unique why. Consider how the benefits of welcoming more would impact your life. Let us now begin … 

An Embodied Exploration of Non-Welcoming & Welcoming: 

Step 1: Set Aside 10/20 minutes of uninterrupted space, consider having a journal and pen to take down any notes or inspirations. 

Step 2: Sit across from your partner. Take a few deep breaths together and consciously shift into a place and space of practice together. 

Step 3: Choose who will be Partner A and Partner B. 

PARTNER A - “The Explorer” the person who will be in the practice of exploring the four states of welcoming and non-welcoming  

PARTNER B - “The Not Welcomed” the person who will be in the practice of what it is like to not be welcomed. 

  • For the explorer, the not welcomed could represent human contact, a specific person, or something in your life like a situation or circumstance 

  • For the not welcomed, you are invited to simply experience what it is like to be in relationship when someone/something is welcoming and not welcoming of you as you are.

Step 4: Partner A distinguish what you want “The Not Welcomed” to represent. You do not need to share this out loud unless you feel moved. 

In the role of “The Explorer” take a few minutes to really sit with and inquire about what are(s) of your life that you are not currently welcoming. What is something in your life that you are working with that you know you could invite more welcoming of? 

Examples:  a breakup, financial debt, anger towards a situation, etc. 

Step 5: Both Partners close your eyes and take a moment of mindfulness. How are you at this moment? What is alive for you already as you consider this contemplation for yourself 

Step 6: Both partners open their eyes, place your hands out in front of you making contact palm to palm. Begin in a neutral place of meeting with equality. 

Step 7: Explore the States of Embodied Non-Welcoming 

  • Partner A Exploring Resistance: What is it like to resist this coming towards you? Partner B “The Not Welcomed” offers pressure forward through the palms toward Partner A “The Explorer”

    • Both partners notice mindfully what happens through the body. Notice thoughts, sensations, impulses, and desires. Allow your whole body to experience this now. Give yourself full permission to express and feel. 

    • Return to a neutral meeting with equality and take a few breaths before moving to the next state. 

  • Partner A Exploring Avoidance: 

Partner B “The Not Welcomed” offers pressure again forward through the palms towards Partner A “The Explorer”. 

  • Both partners notice mindfully what happens through the body. Notice thoughts, sensations, impulses, and desires. Allow your whole body to experience this now. Give yourself full permission to express and feel. 

  • Return to a neutral meeting with equality and take a few breaths before moving to the next state. 

  • Partner A Exploring Denying: What is it like to deny this coming towards you? Partner B “The Not Welcomed” offers pressure forward through the palms toward Partner A “The Explorer”

    • Both partners notice mindfully what happens through the body. Notice thoughts, sensations, impulses, and desires. Allow your whole body to experience this now. Give yourself full permission to express and feel. 

    • Return to a neutral meeting with equality and take a few breaths before moving to the next state. 

Step 8: Explore the State of Embodied Welcoming 

  • Partner A Exploring Welcoming: What is it like to welcome this coming towards you? 

Partner B “The Not Welcomed” offers pressure forward through the palms toward Partner A “The Explorer”

  • Both partners notice mindfully what happens through the body. Notice thoughts, sensations, impulses, and desires. Allow your whole body to experience this now. Give yourself full permission to express and feel. 

  • Return to a neutral meeting with equality and take a few breaths before pausing the practice for reflection and sharing. 

Step 9: Share back and forth between partners. 

  • For the “Explorer”: What was it like to resist, avoid, and deny? What was it like to welcome? 

  • For the “Not Welcomed”:  What it was like to be resisted, avoided, and denied? What was it like to be welcomed? 

Step 10: Switch roles and repeat 

Step 11: Integrate and complete 

  • Journal any insights

  • Derole at the end of the practice and said out loud, “I am not the explorer, and I am not the Not-Welcomed. I am …. “ (Repeat your own name or any other affirmation you wish to anchor at the end of this process.) 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Embodying Wholeness: Yoga and The Four Facets of Our Integrated Self

Join Lara Christine for a four-week yoga class progression exploring our human potential and wholeness through the map of Bill Plotkin's Wild Mind Book. 

Reminding us of our innate wholeness and inner resources, Bill Plotkin's map, based on the cardinal directions offers beautiful direction in becoming fully human and meeting any hardships we may face, as true adults, capable and able to grow and thrive. 

4 weeks starting March 31st 

Friday mornings 

9:30-10:30 am MDT 

at Full Circle Yoga Longmont 

or online worldwide via zoom 

To register:

3/31 NORTH FACET = The Nurturing Generative Adult 

4/7 SOUTH FACET = The Wild Indigenous One 

4/14 EAST FACET = The Innocent/Sage 

4/21 WEST FACET = The Inner Muse Beloved 

Dive into each archetype to uncover an embodied resonance and blueprint that you can take with you, off the mat and into the world. 

Embodying Wholeness: Yoga and The Four Facets of Our Integrated Self Event on Facebook


About the Book

Our human psyches possess astonishing resources that wait within us, but we might not even know they exist until we discover how to access them and cultivate their powers, their untapped potentials and depths. Wild Mind identifies these resources — which Bill Plotkin calls the four facets of the Self, or the four dimensions of our innate human wholeness — and also the four sets of fragmented or wounded subpersonalities that form during childhood. Rather than proposing ways to eliminate our subpersonalities (which is not possible) or to beat them into submission, Plotkin describes how to cultivate the four facets of the Self and discover the gifts of our subpersonalities. The key to reclaiming our original wholeness is not merely to suppress psychological symptoms, recover from addictions and trauma, or manage stress but rather to fully embody our multifaceted wild minds, commit ourselves to the largest, soul-infused story we’re capable of living, and serve the greater Earth community.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Sure, Valentine's Day is a Hallmark Holiday. Still, as a Partner Yoga Teacher, I always look forward to the season of love, when people of all ages remember the importance of connection and intimacy. In reality, we should be honoring Valentine's Day every day, but in the meantime, let's find the time for some nourishing connection, touch, and healing partner yoga practices. 

February 2023 I will offer several Partner Yoga Events to bring joy and satisfaction to your embodied connection this Valentine's day!

  • Sunday 2/5 2-4pm at Yoga Pod Longmont 
  • Friday through Sunday 2/10 - 2/13 at Kripalu 
  • Tuesday 2/14 6:30-8:30pm at Full Circle Yoga 
  • Sunday 2/19 2-4pm at Yoga Pod Boulder 

For those of you seeking a deeper study with more full-on level one training, we will also be offering these Level 1 Immersions in 2023: 

  • Principle-Based Partner Yoga Training Level 1: The Art of Yoga & Relationship April 20th - 23rd in Sedona Arizona 
  • Training in Partner Yoga Level 1 August 8th - 13th at Kripalu

For questions please contact me at larastouch @